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Visual Storytelling

Design is more than one thing.  Here are a few examples of how I use graphics to convey research, concepts and joy.

History of the South Loop

The Very Clumsy Shopper

Circle Tour Informational

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The South Loop neighborhood of Chicago has been a lot of things over the years (from a collection of millionaires to a red-light district) and it just keeps changing.  But the backbone of the place remains the same- it keeps moving forward.

Shopping can be tough, especially with a bizarrely designed basket with wheels.  It seems made to confound and it gets the better of this shopper.

Lake Michigan contains 1,180 cubic miles of fresh water, spans 4 states and has over 1,000 miles of shoreline.  This graphic describes a plan for increasing tourism on this natural wonder.

© 2018 by Andi Piper. 

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